Dr. Bernstein has been in this profession for more than 40 years; his compassion and empathy have allowed him to gain significant insight into the souls of thousands of aging adults facing difficulties. He has learned what has worked and what hasn’t, and he wants to share those success stories with the world.
What does a geriatrician do and why did you become one?
What makes a geriatrician an expert on longevity and remaining youthful?
Who in my audience should be paying attention to what you have to say today?
What have you learned from taking care of adults as they age?
What are the leading causes of illness and disability? What do they have in common?
What are the contributors to inflammation and what can we do about them?
Is it a coincidence that all the items you mentioned begin with an S?
Can you go into greater detail about each of the five items you mentioned?
What can my audience do right now to remain more youthful?
Enjoy the podcast interviews with Dr. Bernstein. After listening, we invite you to read his book, watch his videos, attend an upcoming event, and let others know about Dr. Bernstein as well. Share this information with others. Together, we all benefit by leading healthier and happier lives.
Create Launch Monetize Podcast featuring David Bernstein
The Power of 5 on Mr. Biz Solutions
Getting Old Happens … How to Live Your Best Life on the Get Savvy … Demystifying Healthcare podcast
Unlocking the Secrets of Longevity on Gloria Grace Rand’s Live. Love. Engage. podcast
Late Boomers podcast hosted by Cathy Worthington and Merry Elkins – Live Longer, Live Healthier, Live Happier
The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil podcast
On Law You Should Know with Attorney Kenneth Landau
BookSmarts: Authors on Show featuring David Bernstein, MD
Caregiver Dave talking about the Formula for Longevity and Remaining Youthful
Getting Older on the Just Dumb Enough podcast with Colton Petry
WHPC 90.3’s Secrets of Success with host Bill Horan
Talking about healthy aging on Veganish and All Things Healthy
David and Melissa on Seekers of Meaning
Here’s Creativity to Your Health with Read My Lips akaRadioRed
David joins Bobbie Malatesta on 3-21 No Kiddin’
Aging Matters: Having the Driving Talk
Aging GreatFULLy: the Holley Kelley Show
Knowledge for Caregivers with Kathy Cocks
Living to 100 Club with Joe Casaciani
Feisty Side of Fifty with Mary Eileen Williams
Listen to Part One and Part Two of the two-part podcast with Nicole Will on the willGather podcast featuring Melissa and David Bernstein, M.D.
Your Employment Matters with Beverly Williams (Dr. Bernstein’s segment starts at 4:38)
The April 26, 2016 Boomer Generation Radio show features Dr. David Bernstein, an internist and gerontologist from Florida, whose latest book discusses issues related to motor vehicle driving by older people.
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