Sizing Up Your Activity
As discussed in my previous blog, I intend to provide clear-cut approaches to becoming more active. As with many other things we encounter in this
As discussed in my previous blog, I intend to provide clear-cut approaches to becoming more active. As with many other things we encounter in this
Just as a reminder to my readers, when I use the word sweat in my discussions about longevity and remaining youthful, I am using it
In our society, more and more Americans young and old are seeking out ways to remain youthful, vibrant and healthy. Organic farmers and grocers are
You hold many of the keys to alleviating chronic pain. It comes down to the basics, and that’s because it works. What we eat and
Meet “Fred.” He’s one of many patients in my practice that I’ve cared for over the years. In this case, Fred is a wonderful man
In my new book “The Power of 5: The Ultimate Formula for Longevity & Remaining Youthful,” I talk about the importance of sweat and physical
Exercise and activities are essential for improving our fitness. Setting and tracking our exercise goals is key to success. Setting a goal of 150-450 minutes
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