Carole before and after

What if I told you that one of my readers lost 40 pounds, became fitter, and fell in love, all within one year of reading the Power of 5? What if I told you she was more than 50 years old? Would that entice you to try to copy her success?

Before I reveal the secret sauce, let me tell you a bit about, one of my “Power of 5 All-Stars” – Carole.

I was prompted to write this blog after meeting up with Carole recently near her home in Naples, Florida. Her transformation was obvious when she walked into the Mediterranean restaurant where we agreed to meet. She was stunning; she wore an attractive sweater and nice slacks, in sharp contrast to the oversized outfit I recall from our first meeting a few years earlier.

After a warm greeting, she joined my wife, Melissa, and me for lunch. We all ordered a healthy Greek-type salad, with “no potato salad, please.” She ate only half of her salad and did not eat the pita bread. We engaged in wide-ranging conversation about our families and other exciting events in our lives.

Since her transformation was so obvious, Melissa inquired what she did that was so different in the past year.

She explained that before reading the Power of 5, she exercised by walking (and talking) with friends 2 days a week, ate a “healthy,” but unrestricted diet, and socialized by attending events at her synagogue, museums and concerts. She volunteered in the administrative office at an animal sanctuary in Naples, Florida. As a retiree, she was rarely stressed and she claimed that she slept fairly well other than occasionally feeling warm or having to go to the bathroom.

“So,” I asked, “what was it you did to result in such a transformation?”

“Well, I changed my diet. I cut out all those sweets, carbs and sugars in my coffee. I cut all my meals in half whether I ate at home or a restaurant. I reduced my consumption of wine to half a glass and only a few times a week. I concentrated on fresh fruits and vegetables and served all my meals on small plates.”

She continues … ”I met a man who I became interested in, which motivated me to do more of the Ultimate Formula in your book. I walked with a different group of friends who were more serious and we walked so fast that I could no longer talk. Additionally, I asked for and was assigned a different job at the animal sanctuary. I attend to the flight cages where there is a pool for the birds to drink from and/or bathe in as it prepares to be returned to the wild. I bail the water for 2 straight hours. It is an incredible workout! the best workout anywhere and I don’t have to pay a gym membership to get it! With all this new physical activity and weight loss, I started sleeping like a baby. Once I lost forty pounds I felt a sense of confidence and started dating the love of my life. I used some of the suggestion I found while reading the Power of 5.”

Melissa and I looked at her and asked her what she thought led to her success using the Power of 5 Formula? There are many people who have read the Power of 5 and not had this type of success. What was her secret?

I knew the answer before I asked but I just wanted to hear her response again; “I read the book three times.” Wow, what a revelation.

Reading the Power of 5 three times allowed Carole to understand the concepts, analyze and apply those to her own personal situation, and integrate those concepts with intention.

How do I know that she read it three times?

The answer is, she is the editor of the book and I paid her to read it three times! Carole is one person who tapped into the Power of 5 Formula with success.

You may “get it” the first time reading The Power of 5 … underlining and highlighting sections or using colored stickies to mark important information to address your own health needs.

Carole has exemplified someone understood and incorporated The Power of 5 Formula as a lifestyle choice. She realized that when used with intention the Ultimate Formula could enhance her longevity and help her to remain youthful. Keep Carole in mind as a shining example!

Be sure to check out and subscribe to the Power of 5 Test Kitchen where Melissa posts blogs about healthy eating and recipes based on the Power of 5 Ultimate Formula.

To a long and healthy life,

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