In my new book, “The Power of 5: The Ultimate Formula for Longevity & Remaining Youthful,” I talk about intimacy and companionship as part of my formula to remain youthful and AGE GRACEFULLY.®

In the Sex chapter, I discuss several patient encounters where sexuality later in life is as important and meaningful as it ever was. We delve into subjects like staying active and alive with your partner, the challenges of intimacy after a physical setback or medical condition, and falling in love again after loss.

While the chapter may headline “Sex,” we also discuss other forms of companionship between family and friends. Bonds that can be decades old or newly formed. We also laugh a little at the humor of aging and maintaining intimacy with our partner.

I hope you’ll find my book helpful and inspiring. Click here to order your copy today and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

To a long and healthy life!

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